Team motivation: 6 effective ways to keep the fire burning
When it comes to business, team motivation is actually one of the most important ways of getting stuff done. Once you bring together the knowledge, skills, and energy of a motivated group of people, then the sky’s the limit.
It has been said that people don’t quit their job, they quit lousy leaders – here are 6 powerful ways to ensure that your team remains on the ball.
Provide a pleasant workplace
Working in an office place that’s clean and engaging makes everyone feel good, and that’s always a start. You don’t need to spend a lot of money to make your office a more pleasant work environment, just think about what your team might really appreciate and make that happen.
Encourage self-development
Your team members are more valuable to your business and to themselves if they’re given the opportunity to learn something new. As an employer or team leader, it is always in your interest to provide your team members with adequate training throughout the year, allowing them to fine-tune their skills as well as venturing into new areas of expertise that could benefit your organisation.
Avoid too many meetings
Meetings can be as valuable as they are a waste of time, so striking the right balance there is crucial. When setting a meeting, create an agenda and distribute it in advance. Invite only those who absolutely need to be there, start on time, end as quickly as possible and go off to be productive. Keeping things brief definitely always helps set the pace.
Be happy
Happy employees or team members are also the most positive and productive ones, and good energy is catchy and spreads. Always keep an eye out on your team to make sure that they’re happy about the work, their employer, and you. Keep in mind that unhappy vibes spread just as fast as happy ones, it’s up to you to maintain the balance.
Never punish failure
Everyone makes mistakes, and that’s OK. The key is to learn something from each mistake, to avoid repeating them in the future. Whenever a team member makes an honest mistake, don’t reprimand them; instead, encourage them to reflect on what went wrong and try again using a different strategy.
Set clear goals
Very often, employees will waste time on a job, simply because they weren’t fully aware of what job priorities were. As a leader, it’s your job to make sure that you get the job done by setting clear, identifiable goals. Once that’s done, everyone should know exactly what those goals are, what priority they’ve been assigned, and how the team is going to get there. Learn more about working towards SMART goals.
Do you want to find out how ThinkTalent can help you with team motivation? Visit Team Building programme to find out more or contact us.